Improving Your Health

Posts Tagged ‘NEWS

#HealthAlert — Germ-Infested Vegetables

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Everyone is avoiding romaine lettuce after yet another germ scare.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

These germ-infested vegetables are everywhere  –  literally crawling with E. coli and other sickening bugs.

This is not going to end.

There WILL be another sickening scandal… and another… and another… and some will be far worse than anything we’ve seen so far.

People will get sick.

And, sadly, Americans will DIE.

Government continues to fail Americans.

Contaminated food is still in supermarkets and restaurants.


Government corruption and incompetence.

What should you do to protect your family?

Do not rely on the government.

Everyone should know this by now.

Buy only organic vegetables.

Yes, they cost more.

But better than risking your children’s lives or not eating vegetables.





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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.





Written by solutions777

December 17, 2018 at 11:20 pm


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Everyone has had food become moldy.

And everyone just accepts it.

Food should never become moldy.

And without adding any preservatives to the food.

Mold comes from mold spores.

Mold spores in food causes moldy food.

Mold spores get in food from unclean equipment and/or contaminated food ingredients.

Food manufacturers make more profits from allowing mold spores to contaminate food.

Tap water is a major source of mold spores.

This is why mold and fungus grow in showers, bathtubs, etc.

Once mold forms, it releases spores into the air contaminating more food and the air you breath.




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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.







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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

October 10, 2018 at 8:35 pm

Organic Food

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Yes, organic foods are much more healthy than non-organic.


And there are a lot of them.

The Department of Agriculture(USDA) has

—  minimal standards for organic foods

—  loose and lax regulations

—  does minimal inspections and enforcement

Most organic foods come from the giant food manufacturers.  Their food products meet the USDA standards for organic but are not truly organic.

Large quantities of organic fruits and vegetables come from other countries.  Are they really organic?  Who knows?  Certainly not the USDA.

Organic, just like other food labels, is another marketing tool; a tool used to get consumers to pay higher prices for food.  More profits.

Once again, the government has sacrificed your health for their own benefit.

Organic standards need to be much more higher and strict with stringent enforcement and stiff penalties(CEO goes to prison).  Foreign food producers should be held to the same standards with regular inspections by American USDA personnel.

Organic food must never contain any GMO food or ingredient.

Consumers should

—  carefully read labels on all food products

—  buy locally whenever possible

—  form local groups to send visitors to local farms/ranches

—  take responsibility for the quality of food they buy

With high quality standards, organic food is much healthier.

It would also improve the environment.





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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

October 10, 2018 at 7:39 pm

For The Cure

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Millions hope for a cure for a serious disease such as cancer or heart disease.

Each year, they do something “for the cure”; walk, donate money, participate in some activity, and buy colored t-shirts.

They all feel so good about it.

And they are so very stupid.

These types of activities have been in existence for decades and not one disease has been cured by them.

These diseases can be cured, even prevented.

“For the cure” has not worked; and never will.

So, fools, maybe you should try something else.


Guidance is available.


A similar post is in PERSONAL FINANCE.



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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

September 12, 2018 at 9:11 pm

#HealthAlert — Drugs From China or India

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Any drug or vaccine manufactured in any part in China or India puts your health at risk.

Over and over again, it has been found that drugs or vaccines made in these countries contain hazardous substances.

This is not something new.

It has been going on for decades.

There have been recalls and investigations.

Nothing happens.

Nothing in the news.

Killer drugs and vaccines are still imported from India and China.

This problem is easy to solve:

Banning vaccines and drugs from these countries would protect the lives of millions.

Any medical substance or instrumentation used in the US must be inspected, tested and approved by US authorities on site.

Without approval from US such US authorities, no medical instrumentation of substance may be imported into the US.

Stop relying on corrupt and incompetent regulatory agencies in other nations.

The US Food and Drug Administration is not much better.

It has a long history of failing to protect Americans from impure and deadly drugs and vaccines.

You cannot rely on government to protect your health.

Do not wait to see your  loved one dying from an impure vaccine or drug from China or India.

Always ask all health care personnel where the drug or vaccine was produced.  Was any part of the manufacturing process done in India or China.  If so, DO NOT take the drug or vaccine.

It is your life.

Or that of your family member.



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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Banning Dangerous Substances

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A typical chronology of a dangerous substance:

—  no one know whether it is dangerous.

—  producers use the substance in products

—  someone asks if the substance is safe; producers respond of course it is

—  more questions about the substance’s safety; producers show scientific studies proving substance is safe

—  other scientific studies show substance is harmful

—  producers show more studies to prove substance is safe; producers strongly deny any danger from substance

—  government agencies say substance is safe

—  more and more scientific studies show the substance is extremely hazardous to people’s health

—  government and producers continue to deny substance is toxic

—  cycle repeats over and over( the 2 lines above)

—  eventually, more people are concerned about the substance being harmful

—  finally most agree the substance is deadly to humans; producers and government continue to disagree

—  sometimes producers stop using substance or government bans the substance; not always

Everyone knows how dangerous asbestos is; or everyone should know.

Asbestos kills over 15,000 people each year.

Asbestos is still being used in products; nor has the government totally banned it.

In fact, the government is rewriting regulations to allow more asbestos to be used in products and to facilitate covering up its use.

Government corruption is the gift that keeps on giving.

Giving death.


New technology often follows a similar pattern.




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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.


Written by solutions777

August 15, 2018 at 9:19 pm

The Health Care System Is A Fight Over Money

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The health care industry is trying to grab every dollar it can, anyway it can.

The health care industry is composed of medical personnel(doctors,nurses, etc), pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment manufacturers, and medical institutions.

The health care insurance industry is trying to limit payments for health care; more money in their pockets.

Medicare and medicaid are part of the health care insurance industry.

Both groups want to charge more and cut costs.


Everyone wants affordable quality health care.

Everyone deserves affordable quality health care.

Such care is scarce.

Instead of protecting you, government is part of this alliance of robbery and murder.



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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.


Written by solutions777

August 9, 2018 at 4:33 pm

Being Misdiagnosed Happens All The Time.

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Not just once in a while.


More than half of all diagnoses are incorrect in one way or another.

Serious misdiagnosis:

—  people’s quality of life are permanently ruined

—  people are crippled

—  lower life expectancy

—  people die


Because profits, power and control are all more important than people’s lives.

Corruption and stupidity run rampant in the health care system.

Evil most foul.



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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

August 8, 2018 at 6:15 pm

Genetic Testing — Unconstitutional and Robbery

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Not the testing itself; but what is done with the results.

The genetic testing companies are saving people’s samples and using them for medical research.

Now, one such company has sold sharing rights to people’s information to a major pharmaceutical company.

For $300 million.

This is not about medical research.

It is about PROFITS.

These companies have taken people’s personal information and used it to make billions of dollars.

The honest, honorable and ethical way for this to be done:

—  companies test the DNA

—  send the results to you and/or your doctor

—  destroy all samples, test results, and any other information

—  the companies are to be strictly a testing service

—  any mega-profits should go to the individuals only after their consent

The DNA samples belong to the individuals not the testing company.

It is unethical and should be criminal for testing companies to extort money for DNA testing.

As usual, the government does not care about citizens and does nothing to protect them.

More evil exposed.




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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

August 2, 2018 at 8:17 pm

More Recalled Foods Every Day

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The list of recently recalled foods gets longer every day.

All segments of the food industry are guilty.

From restaurants to grocery stores to food manufacturers; even well-known name brands.

No food is exempt.

All food could be contaminated.

Make you sick or even kill you.

Children are the most susceptible.

There is a way to stay on top of all this if you know where to look.

The feds have a website that consolidates recalls from the FDA and USDA (which would be anything that contains meat) in one place, located at Click on the box that says “see recent recalls” to find out what the latest danger may be.

The government continues its corruption and/or incompetence.

So, what are you going to do?

We know.

Keep on doing the same as always.

Then, one day, your loved one is poisoned.

And you will whine and blame everybody but the real culprit: yourself.




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The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

August 2, 2018 at 5:16 pm