Improving Your Health

Archive for March 2017

Health Care System In Shambles

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Your health care system is a total failure.

People could live much healthier and longer lives.

The United States spend twice as much per person on health care than any other nation.

Yet, The United States ranks about 40th in quality of health care.

And, there is no “care” in the health care system.

Fewer doctors, less quality doctors, longer waits for an appointment.

Limited coverage by insurance programs.

More and more Americans are going on “health care” vacations; lower costs and better medicine in other nations(even without insurance).

The health care is now a battle between government regulation and the health care system money machine.

Patients are sheared like sheep and then slaughtered.

Government is part of the cause; it is not going to solve the problem.

Solution guidelines:

—  the problem can be solved

—  people need to stop relying on government

—  individuals must take responsibility for their health and the health care system

—  individuals are too lazy and incompetent to do what is necessary

—  assistance is available

It is your life.

What are you going to do?



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

FDA Allows Poison in Food

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Do you love the taste of paint?

Why do you eat paint?

We do not eat paint.

Well every time you eat bottled Ranch or Blue cheese dressing — not to mention skim milk, mayonnaise or breath mints — you might as well be slurping up paint.

Consider this: Food manufacturers add a dangerous compound called titanium dioxide to a lot of your favorite foods. They do it to whiten and brighten them. It makes them look more appealing.

But titanium dioxide is the same chemical that’s in paint, plastics and sunscreen. NASA even coated the outside of its Saturn V rocket with it!

The FDA allows food products to contain 1% titanium dioxide (TiO2) without it having to be included on the ingredient label.1 These particles are called nanoparticles. They’re very tiny.

And you’re probably ingesting up to a trillion particles a day.

Most researchers say a small amount of TiO2 doesn’t pose a health problem.

But here’s what they didn’t take into account…

Most of the research was done on particles that were inhaled, not swallowed. And swallowing titanium dioxide makes all the difference to your health…

New research shows that TiO2 particles can damage your intestines when eaten. And about 90% of food absorption occurs in your intestines.

That makes it much harder for your body to absorb nutrients like zinc, iron and fatty acids.

Once again, the FDA has let food manufacturer put poison in your food.

Anything goes:

—  GMO foods causing cancer

—  contaminated food, especially meat

—  any substance food manufacturers and/or processors want to feed you

Over and over again, it is shown the FDA is irresponsible.

Many death certificates should read:  “Murdered by the FDA”.

And people do nothing but eat the garbage.

No surprise.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

March 14, 2017 at 11:31 pm

#HealthAlert — Pfizer Plant Contaminated

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A Pfizer plant that manufactures injectable drugs was found to be contaminate with cardboard and other solid substances.

Nothing in the news.

FDA(Food and Drug Administration) sent mild letter months after inspection found contamination.

So much incompetence, corruption and evil:

—  Pfizer should have know and reported it to the FDA immediately

—  Pfizer should have recalled all production from plant

—  FDA should have immediately closed plant and inspected ALL Pfizer plants

—  FDA should have issued recall on all production from plant

—  FDA should have informed media and made sure media informed public

—  media should have known about it and informed public

Lessons to be learned:

—  drug manufacturers, FDA and news media are incompetent, corrupt and evil

—  drug manufactures, FDA and news media are not to be trusted

—  you must be responsible for the health of you and your family as no one else can be relied upon



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

March 12, 2017 at 11:17 pm

Lower Life Expectancy

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Life expectancy around the world is rising rapidly, but Americans are getting left in the dust.

We used to be among the world leaders in life expectancy, but by 1990, Americans were in middle of the pack of developed nations.

Then, in recent years, it barely budged… and last year, it actually DROPPED slightly for the first time in decades.

Well, we’re officially the slow kid in the back now.

We’re near the bottom of the list of wealthy nations in terms of life expectancy — and the new study finds that by 2030, we’ll be DEAD LAST (with the emphasis on DEAD).

While the rest of the developed world will be in a race to see who gets to 100 first, the average American man will kick the bucket by 80 – or, the same life expectancy that men in countries like Mexico and Croatia will see.

The United States is no longer competitive any more; in anything.

Been that way for decades.

Another sign, the United States is moving toward third world status.

Expensive low quality health care; we know you love it.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

March 11, 2017 at 12:17 am