Improving Your Health

Posts Tagged ‘Health Care

Your Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

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A parody to explain most cancer scenarios.

A person has a small lump on a toe.

Goes to the doctor.

Doctor says do a biopsy to be sure but it is probably cancer.

Biopsy comes back:  cancer.

Treatment begins.

Radiation to foot and lower leg.

Hundreds of chemotherapy pills.

Then, surgery.

Surgeon removes foot and part of lower leg.

Patient asks: why not just take the tumor?

Doctor says:  wanted to be sure all of the cancer was removed.

Person had an athletic lifestyle; now hobbles around on crutches or uses a wheelchair.

Person becomes depressed, has huge weight gain, develops other serious health issues, soon dies.

Death came calling 40 years before the person’s time.


But here is the real killer:  the patient did NOT have cancer.

All that was necessary was to have the tiny tumor removed.

Some or all of this scenario is true in ALL cancer cases.


Incompetent and/or corrupt doctors.

Too evil to put the patient first.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Fake Opioid Crisis

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Yes, too many people take too many opioid drugs.


It is not a health issue/problem.

These people have a character flaw.

Or for the less educated: they lack moral fiber.

These people are weak.

These people are inferior.

All addictions are character flaws; every last one.

None are medical conditions.

The only solution is for these people to just stop the addictive behavior.

They do not need medical treatment.

Nor should any treatment be covered by any medical insurance.

Covering any treatments by medical insurance shifts the cost of their behavior problems to others:  YOU.

These lowquals must be forced to take responsibility for their own character deficiencies.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

October 28, 2017 at 5:09 pm

Medical Research Only For Profits

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And only for profits.

Medical research is solely focused on profits, high profits.

Not on improving people’s health or health care.

If it will not increase profits, it is not researched.

There are many promising research avenues not being researched because there will be little or no profits.

Some could lead to low cost and/or powerful health care improvements.

People could lead better lives; some even saved.

But they are left to suffer and die; because of the pursuit of profits.

When did medicine become about money?

Or maybe it always was?

Greed wins out every time.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

August 18, 2017 at 8:05 pm

Pay Particular Attention to Your Health

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Be neurotic about it.

People take their health for granted.

And then they have a serious medical condition.

They call it bad luck.

And in a few cases, maybe it is.

But in most cases, it is stupidity.

They did take care of their health/body.

And the small minority that do, take only a few inconsequential actions.

And now they are deathly ill or crippled.

And the medical establishment is no help, just the opposite; it

—  values money over patients’ health

—  does not utilize the best medical knowledge

—  does not keep patients fully informed

There is no such thing as being too concerned about your health.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

August 11, 2017 at 11:27 pm

#HealthAlert — More GMO’s in Your Food

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More and more food manufacturers/processors are using GMO ingredients in their products.

GMO are genetically modified organisms; organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques; test tube creations.

GMO foods cause cancer.

Food companies, medical profession, scientists and other mainstream criminals deny this emphatically.

And how many times have these same mainstream criminal been wrong?

The list goes on forever.

What if this happens?

—  your 10 year old daughter eats GMO food

—  20 years later her daughter is born

—  your granddaughter is diagnosed with cancer when she is 4 years old

— how did this happen?

—  from the GMO food her mother ate 20 years ago

You do not have to believe this.

But what if it is true?

Do you want to take even the smallest chance with your grandchildren’s lives?

Here is what to do:

—  read the labels of all processes foods very carefully before buying

—  this means everything except raw meat, and fresh fruits and vegetables

—  if the package has GMO, partially produced with genetic engineering, or anything similar;  DO NOT BUY IT

—  tell everybody you know, especially your family to do the same

Why should people get sick so the mainstream can amass money and power?

Your choice.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

#HealthAlert — Dangerous Ground Beef

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Recalls of meat products have become commonplace.

Just a few months ago, for example, Walmart was forced to pull over 5,000 pounds of meat off its shelves due to possible contamination with E. coli — a nasty and possibly deadly pathogen that can cause extreme diarrhea, bloody stool, and acute stomach pain. And that’s just one incident out of many, when it comes to bad beef.

Along with E. coli, there’s another commonly found microbe that you do not want in your burger — salmonella.

But here’s where things can get really risky: It’s been estimated that merely one pound of ground meat in your supermarket can come from up to a thousand different cows!

Plus that, those packages may say they contain freshly-ground meat, but it’s really from a giant vat that’s been coarsely ground — then put through the store grinder again.

And each different batch that makes up that big lot of beef has the potential of being tainted with one or more of those dangerous pathogens. Talk about stacking the odds against you!

Along with that, it’s next to impossible to trace back the origins of contaminated meat that comes from so many sources and stop it from reaching the shelves. That means thousands of families may be serving up bad beef that there is no way to recall.

That is really scary when you consider how often E. coli and other microbes are detected in meat processing plants!

Another surprise for many burger-lovers was the disclosure early this year by the USDA that other cow body parts — like hearts and tongue — are often added to commercial batches of ground beef. And that’s despite the fact that the USDA had a long-standing prohibition on such additions, one that is now apparently off the books.

It is the deep, dark secret hiding out in your local supermarket — one that can make you and your family deathly ill.

Situation normal; government has left you to die.

USDA and FDA sold your life for business profits and political power.

Americans have to look out for themselves.

We have quit eating supermarket ground beef some time ago.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Medical Profession Lowers Standards to Increase Diagnoses of Diseases

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This means more people have the condition(illness, sickness).

And not because the science changed/improved.

But because the pharmaceutical industry bribed them.


So they can sell more drugs.

More people did not become ill; nor did their condition become worse.

People’s health did NOT change.

Now, doctors can and will prescribe more drugs to more patients.

Unneeded drugs.

The medical profession gets richer at the stroke of a pen.

And the pharmaceutical industry makes billions more.

Only you can protect your health.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Medical Community Failures

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Again and again the medical community has FAILED.

People have gotten sick, died or were not healed/cured because of medical community failures.

Big failures.

Scientists, doctors and medical institutions failed.


They sold out for the money.

Each and every time.

A few samples:

—  cigarettes are safe

—  radiation will not harm you(anyone remember fluoroscopes and radioactive drinks?)

—  opiate pain killers are not addictive

—  cell phones do not cause cancer

Government was supposed to protect you from corrupt and/or incompetent medical community members.

That never happened.

More corruption.

People’s health is destroyed.

So the corrupt can get rich.

Sellers of death.

The only answer:  take personal responsibility for your own health.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

July 25, 2017 at 9:47 pm

#Health Care Quality Is Not Important

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Little parable.

Part One

Person takes their car in for repairs.

Repair shop makes a mistake.

Mistake cause car to crash; totally destroyed.

Repair shop is liable for replacement car and medical bills.

Part Two

Person goes to hospital.

Doctors mistakenly amputates foot.

Another patient was to have foot amputated.

Person’s quality of life is permanently and significantly decreased.

Person may get poor quality prosthetic foot and some money.

Nothing happens to doctors or hospital.


Property is more important than a person’s body and related quality of life.

There is no justice/fairness for patients.

The Hippocratic oath means nothing.

The medical profession is not a calling but a money grubbing evil.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

July 19, 2017 at 5:29 pm

Surgery Malpractice

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Malpractice is defined by the medical profession; doctors.

Who commits medical malpractice; doctors.

Doctors watching doctors.

Like all professions, they protect their own at the detriment to patients.

True malpractice is when a doctor does anything that harms a patient.

More than half of all surgeries are cases of malpractice:

—  unnecessary surgeries

—  doing the wrong surgery

—  surgical errors

—  doctor carlessness

—  removing unnecessary body parts

—  unnecessarily damaging organs or tissue

—  contaminated implanted and instruments

Surgeons want easy and to get the money.

Hippocratic oath be damned.

Put patients first.

Not in this life time.

Are there any caring physicians left in the world?

Probably not.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

July 1, 2017 at 6:50 am